Here is where I write about stuff I think about,
stuff I experience
and just stuff!
Comments are appreciated but please post as if your Granny was reading them.
Wake. Walk. Work. Walk. Work. Walk.
Streetlight and moonlight on the last walk of the day.
The struggle is real
Sometimes when the struggle is real, a smile can help you overcome it.
“Parting is such sweet sorrow”
We drove my Dad’s car to Benidorm, its final resting place.
It has been a busy twenty days
Been working on decorating the Xsara for the journey to Benidorm.
You’ll never walk alone…..
Someone, somewhere throws a switch that turns Liverpool from a bustling, beautiful city to a bustling, beautiful den of iniquity.
You just have to love this place!
Did you see?
“But all you give me is barbed wire love”
Songwriters: Burns John, Ogilvie Gordon Archer of SLF!